7 Reasons Microsoft 365 backup is nonnegotiable

7 Reasons Microsoft 365 backup is nonnegotiable

Thanks to its comprehensive productivity applications and cloud-based collaboration tools, Microsoft 365 has been instrumental in facilitating remote work for businesses of all sizes. However, amidst the convenience and efficiency offered by this powerful platform, it's crucial for you not to overlook the importance of securing your stored information and enhancing data recovery within Microsoft 365. While Microsoft 365 offers robust built-in security measures and reliable cloud storage, it's important to recognize that data loss or corruption can still occur.

In 2021, a survey conducted by Statista found that 64% of organizations were most worried about data loss or leakage when it comes to cloud security. Additionally, a recent study by Greenplum revealed that data corruption is a frequent issue, with their large-scale data warehouses facing a problem related to corruption every 15 minutes. If these findings teach you anything, it’s that relying solely on external providers’ infrastructure and native protections may leave your organization vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances.

Here are some crucial reasons why backing up your Microsoft 365 data is essential:

  1. Accidental deletion and human error: Mistakes happen, and even a simple accidental deletion by an employee can result in the loss of critical data. Without a backup solution in place, retrieving that data can be tedious and a major headache. By implementing regular backups, you can easily restore lost files, emails, or documents, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.
  2. Malware and ransomware attacks: Malware and ransomware attacks targeting Microsoft 365 are on the rise. These malicious programs can encrypt or delete your data, holding it hostage until a ransom is paid. With a comprehensive backup solution, you can restore your data to a clean state, effectively neutralizing the impact of such attacks.
  3. Internal threats: Someone in your organization may, intentionally or not, cause data overwrites or unauthorized modifications, which can potentially result in data loss. By regularly backing up Microsoft 365 data, you create a safety net that allows you to restore previous versions of files and recover lost or modified data, even in cases of internal errors or malicious activities.
  4. Retention and compliance: Many industries have specific regulations regarding data retention and compliance, and Microsoft 365's retention policies may not fully align with your organization's requirements. By implementing a backup solution, you gain more control over your data's retention and can ensure compliance with industry-specific regulations and internal policies.
  5. Intellectual property and competitive advantage: Your organization's intellectual property, trade secrets, and other proprietary data are valuable assets that contribute to your competitive advantage. By backing up Microsoft 365 data, you protect these critical assets from unauthorized access, data loss, or intellectual property theft. In the event of a security breach, having a backup ensures that you can recover and restore your proprietary information.
  6. Long-term preservation: Microsoft 365's storage limitations and pricing structures may not accommodate long-term data preservation needs. Backup solutions offer flexibility in storing data for extended periods, allowing you to meet legal, regulatory, or historical archiving requirements.
  7. Service outages and downtime: Although Microsoft 365 is known for its reliability, service outages and downtime can occur. These disruptions can prevent you from accessing your data when you need it the most. By having a backup of your Microsoft 365 data, you can continue working with minimal interruption during such events.

Related reading: What benefits does Microsoft 365 have over Google Workspace?

We can assist you in migrating your business to the cloud and customizing the right Office 365 solutions to fit your requirements. Call us today.

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